Thursday, June 27, 2013

I guess this is the idea of this blog.

I'm making this blog simply to empty my thoughts into a page.

I hate physically writing things down; being left handed, the ink or graphite tends to just smear and make me mad. So, given that, I figure this is the easiest way to record thoughts, especially since I type at like 23412410234143 words per minute. 

I don't exactly know what to expect out of this blog, I'm not going to hope for millions of people to read it. But maybe something I write on here will help someone out in some way. Even then, that's enough to know that I made an impact.

So, what to talk about?.life...the universe...advice on things I've seen...popular just the random B.S. I have floating around in my head.

Hopefully this is enjoyable for those of you reading it, I'll try to keep up with this as much as possible.


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