Thursday, July 18, 2013

Well hello there.

I guess I'll post kind of a "State of my life" thing.

So, let's start with things like work/college.

I'm going to go fill out the second part of my paperwork at Subway on Friday, then hopefully will be able to start on Monday.
Orientation for Pima on July 23rd, and hopefully getting everything straightened around with my financial aide. 

Moving on to social stuff:

Let's go into what's irritating me right now:
#1: People who think they know absolutely everything.
Let me just start by saying I don't think I know everything. However, I do think that I'm among the more intelligent people of my generation. Lately I've realized that certain people think they know exactly what they're talking about all the time, and that everyone else around them is wrong. In all reality, they have absolutely know idea what they're talking about. It's irritating me because they just shove things in my face and expect me not to contradict them and prove them wrong, well frankly, it's not going to work like that. 

#2: All of the b.s. about the Trayvon Martin case.
It's really simple, if you didn't follow the case, then you shouldn't talk about it as if you know all the facts. I don't want to hear your angry, irritated, generic, stereotypical opinion on how Zimmerman was racist and shot Trayvon Martin plainly because he was black. 

I guess that's the really irritating things that are on my mind. 


So, if anyone reads this, let's talk about my recent experiences playing Yu-Gi-Oh.

Frankly, what people don't realize about this game is that it's extremely hard to make money playing it. The only way to really make a consistent profit, is to rip people off in trades, and then sell the cards you get for cash. The way I look at it, if you're going to bring trades to a store, please please please please PLEASE know the value of them. That is exactly how you get ripped off, you don't know the value, and someone who does (much like myself) will convince you that the value of that card is lower than it actually is (For some reason, people tend to just blindly agree to what we say because we're the pro players.)

Also, this game is a hobby, not a lifestyle. It sort of bothers me that people who are like 21 come to the card shop from the moment it opens to the moment it closes EVERY SINGLE DAY. Sure, I've heard a fair share of arguments on why they do this, but it all leads me down to believe that they just have nothing better to do. Sure, I'll go play in tournaments 2-3 times a week, but I'm not there every single day. Also, if you are going to be there, please just play in the tournament. It's not that much money to enter ($5) and the more people we have, the bigger prize pool we get.


So, on a related note, I want to start making VLOGS. I feel like I could just talk for hours upon hours about all this stuff, and the inflection in my voice would make it much more exciting to listen to.

Anyway, I guess that's it for this post, hopefully more people are reading these, but we'll see. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

So what's a "game", and how does it tie into life?

I guess the conventional idea is "why do we play games, and what is a game?"

Well, what do you define as a game? Because believe it or not, there has been a somewhat solid and realistic idea of what a "game" is.

Chris Crawford (Video game designer) theorized about games.

So for example. Tv shows, books, and movies are not games. Why? well, mainly because they aren't interactive.

So then we move to things that ARE interactive; the theory goes like this:

We have visualize something that is both: fun and interactive, this is called a play thing.

So there are two types of play things.

  • One type is when there is no goal or thing you have to accomplish, you have yourself a toy.
  • The other type of play thing is when you have a goal or objective to accomplish, then you have yourself a challenge.

So then there are two different types of challenges:

  • If there are no other people involved (example: you playing alone with a Rubik's cube) this is called a puzzle.
  • If there ARE other people however, now we've got ourselves a conflict.
And you may have just guessed that there are two different types of conflicts in this situation.
  • In a conflict like a foot race, the people are not allowed to interfere or influence the other participants in the conflict...this is what defines a competition.
  • However, If the other participants ARE allowed to interfere with, or influence the other participants, then we finally have ourselves a game. (Popular examples: soccer, football, basketball).
So a game is: Interactive, goal oriented, and involves other agents (participants) who can interfere with or influence other participants.

Technically speaking, the would mean itself is in fact, a game.